Our undersigned *Canvas Print* created exclusively for Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett is finally in their own hands!

Our undersigned *Canvas Print* created exclusively for Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett is finally in their own hands!


Monika Escobar (Pfeifer):

“ I am very happy to announce that the canvas is finally with Alan and Baram. I think the two Gentlemen are the greatest historians of all times and I mean it seriously. I feel great humility and great respect for their valuable work, and I wish that future generations will experience true British history. In view of the fact that the whole of the West is deteriorating politically and religiously, it is imperative that at least the Khumry story be presented and corrected in the right light. Apparently everything went wrong in history and what is almost not repairable in modern times in which we live in. British history is also Europe's history. It´s the KEY! The King Arthur Line stretches to Constantin the Great, King Coel, Joseph of Arimathea, Bran, Cunobelinus, Caradog, Hu Gaddarn, ... maybe to our Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary... to Brutus, the Trojan father of the Khumry and the Paviland people of ancient Wales. Without the comet in 562 A.D. we should certainly have a fairer and freer Europe today. Because I consider the Welsh King Arthur line for the Holy Family of Europe. Constantine certainly had more equitable plans for Christianity and the pagan-Celtic society in all of Europe, in opposite than what the Popes had done after his death with Christianity until this day. Thank you, DIOLCH Tony Conner and his son Cole and Steve Pole! Also a big Diolch to David Moseley ap Foel who is my sincere companion and loyal friend.... my Arthur model .... and fair advicer. Thank you for the photo material of St. Peter´s Church and of the Morganwg coast, dear David! Thank you Matt Taylor for the great Arthur film trailers and a Big WELCOME to the KENTUCKY WELSH Descendants and great historians Lee Pennington, George Horwatt and all followers. Diolch for ALL MEMBERS of this group who signed the canvas! thank you ...thank you .... thank you!



Tony Conner:

“Well, we have got back from visiting Allan and Baram.

What a great couple of people, and how the information flowed from them, so naturally. They allowed us to ask any questions we wanted and kindly allowed us to record the question and answer session.

A great deal was discussed which in the coming days we will hopefully get some of it loaded on to the group page.

As a starter, the reason we went to visit them in the first place was because Monika commissioned a canvas which we delivered to them both as a way of saying thank you for their dedication to British history, in the face of such blatant intimidation and abuse from many sources within the “Establishment”.

Below are two pictures of them receiving the canvas with thanks from us.”



Steve Pole:

“Met with Alan and Baram on Tuesday along with Tony and Cole to present them with a canvas print produced by Monika honouring their work and research into Ancient British history and the 2 King Arthur's.”

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Do you know the story of "Saint" Clydawg?

EXCERPTS from book "King Arthur King of Glamorgan & Gwent", by Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett & "King Arthur the War King", by Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett.



Do you know the story of Clydawg? Let´s find out!


In the novel King Arthur the War King, (by Wilson & Blackett), Maurice (father of Arthur II) asks Clydawg not to marry Lady Imogene (irish Guinner's widow), otherwise there is a risk of Cornwall being conquered by Clydawg or his sons. Maurice (King Meurig) does not want Clydawg conquering Cornwall under any circumstances. You remember? Cornwall was occupied by the Irishman Guinner. Imogene was Guinner's wife. These people are often confused with Igraine and Gorlois. But in truth it is Guinner of Ireland and his wife Imogene. Tewdrig killed Guinner, so Meurig killed Clydawg. After Clydawg's assassination, Maurice built a church over Clydawg's grave. Another quote from book King Arthur of Glamorgan & Gwent: "The church area is however important to our story in another way, for Clydawg was a sub- King under the sway of Theoderic (Tewdrig). We have seen how Theoderic crushed Guinner the treacherous ruler of Cornwall (Tintagel) and then destroyed his invading Irish allies. In this way Theoderic now owned and controlled Cornwall as well as the lands of the Silures. There is then a legend to consider, for THE FOLK TALES TELL OF HOW UTHER PENDRAGON WENT TO CORNWALL AND SEDUCED THE WIFE OF GORLOIS AND HIS KINSMEN AND FROM THIS UNION WAS BORN ARTHUR. Well, THE STORY IS CORRUPTED, FOR GORLOIS WAS GUINNER AND HE WAS NO LOYAL DUKE, BUT A TREACHEROUS VILLAIN AND THE PENDRAGON WHO WENT AGAINST HIM DID NOT SEDUCE HIS WIFE AND WITHDRAW, THAT PENDRAGON WAS THEODERIC (TEWDRIG.... Arthur II´s grandfather!) WHO SLAUGHTERED GUINNER AND TOOK ALL HE OWNED. This brings us to the wife of the dead GUINNER who would be part of Theoderic´s booty and here we have the very essence of the story, for here in the territory of SILURIAN MORGANWG IS THE CLUE. In the church of Clydawg a memorial stone was dug up in the restauration of 1916 to 1919 made of local red sandstone. The translation reads something like this: "THIS TOMB HAS THE REMAINS OF THAT FAITHFUL WOMAN THE DEAR WIFE OF GUINNDA WHO HERSELF WAS RESIDENT IN THIS PLACE." (Page 97, book King Arthur King of Glamorgan & Gwent by Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett). Clydawg was of mixed Welsh - Irish royal parentage, his father being King Cledwyn of Ewias, and his maternal grandfather is said to be a King Glywys of Brecon. There was a bother named Dedyw and both King Clydawg and Dedyw were very strongly influenced by the Bishop (later Saint) Cadog or Cadoc. So King Clydawg was regarded as a good and holy man, but he still had enemies. ......... A shrine was built and the whole plan worked beautifully with MERTHYR CLYDAWG - the MARTYR CLYDAWG - becoming a pilgrimage attraction." (Page 96/97, King Arthur King of Glamorgan & Gwent by Wilson & Blackett)

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Oliver Chromwell infiltred the occult Judaism in England ! (in englisch und deutsch)

England.... According to the source of german book autor and historian Wolfgang Eggert, the Messianic end-time sects are expected to announce the apocalyptic prophecy via England, and they refer to Isaiah. England was inhabited by its own Israeli tribe and that tribe was Isajah, and that name Isajah was a clustering of ISLE OF THE SEA. And ISLE OF THE SEA IS BRITAIN and they were the lost tribe and they had to participate in the implementation of prophecy. England has accepted this task. It is a fact that the English royal family is claiming the heritage back to the tribe of David. It is a fact that the English royal family, everytime at its coronation, places the JAKOBSSTEIN .... STONE of DESTINY! (THE FAKE ONE or THE REAL ONE?)... under the throne. Occult Judaism was recorded by Oliver Chromwell in England! This was the foundation of Freemasonry in England and, like Jewish Hasidism, it represents an esoteric secret bond that works to implement the prophecy of the Bible.


According to the forensic british historians  Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett (real british history, KingArthurLegacy) it is the welsh tribe of the KHUMRY who are the Lost Tribe of Israel. The Establishment keeps silent about it.

Deutsch: Laut der Quelle von Historiker und Autor Wolfgang Eggert, wird von den messianischen Endzeitsekten erwartet, dass England diese Prophetie verlautet und sie berufe sich auf Jesajah. England sei von einem eigenen israelischen Stamm besiedelt worden und dieser Stamm sei Isajah gewesen und dieser Name Isajah sei eine Zusammenballung von ISLE OF THE SEA. And ISLE OF THE SEA IST ENGLAND und sie seien der verlorene Stamm und sie müssten sich an der Umsetzung der Prophetie beteiligen. England hat diese Aufgabe angenommen. Es sei Fakt, dass sich die englische Königsfamilie auf den Stamm David zurückführt. Es ist Fakt, dass sich die englische Königsfamilie bei ihrer Krönung den JAKOBSSTEIN ....STONE OF DESTINY! (der Falsche oder der Echte?)....... unter den Thron platziert. Das okkulte Judentum wurde durch Oliver Chromwell aufgenommen in England! Daraus gründete sich das Freimaurertum in England und es stellt gleich wie der jüdische Chassidismus ein esoterischer Geheimbund dar, der daran arbeitet die Prophetie der Bibel umzusetzen.


Laut den Quellen der britischen, forensischen Historiker Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett  (real british history, KingArthurLegacy) ist jedoch der walisische Stamm der Khumry der letzte Stamm Israel´s. Das Establishment schweigt darüber.

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DER DAVID STERN UND MOLOCH (Opfer(fiktional)gott) UND BARABAS (biblischer Dieb) ... wer und was wirklich dahinter steckt !

  • Alle Quellen mit Dank, via David Ritchie.

Seine facebook Seite WE THE SKYTHIANS https://www.facebook.com/gnower/?fr…





“Da die gesamte Geographie und Abstammung beschädigt ist, sind die ursprünglichen Konzepte und die Philosophie verloren gegangen. Jede geometrische Darstellung, die als Symbol der "Religion" verwendet wurde, kam sehr spät zu Tage, während zuvor die numerologische Symbolik der besonderen Geometrien als verschiedene Energien und deren Einfluss auf das Chakrasystem des Körpers erkannt wurden.


Der 6-spitze Stern ist die Kombination der Basis (2) und der sakralen (3) Chakra-Frequenzen und ist mit primären grundlegenden Instinkten ... dem Tier in uns verbunden. Sie wussten auch, wo diese Frequenzen natürlich auf der Erdoberfläche erscheinen würden, wobei Giza einer von ihnen war, Shetland eine andere, beide Orte, die zu Hause oder zu Hause von den Pyramidenbauern genannt wurden.

Alles andere ist nur eine schlechte Interpretation durch jahrelanges chinesische Flüstern ... und schlechte Werbung.


Davidsstern: Es ist ein entführtes Symbol, zusammen mit dem Pentagramm und dem Heptagramm, und dann gibt es eine Menge von anderen über ihnen, die mit den "Engelsordnungen" ... 11 - 17 & 19. Hals, Krone und 3. Auge verbunden sind.


Beinn Mohlach auf der Insel Lewis, auf der 5 Hypotenuse von Gizeh und 3 Meilen von Calanais - auf der 19 Frequenz. Moloch ist der KÖNIG, die anderen 2 Hügel jeder Seite sind Bernard und Barabas ausgesprochen. Sehen Sie die Symbolik? Dies ist, wo es entstand, in der Landschaft von den Atlantern, die Hebriden ... Hebräisch, für Sie.


Monika: "Mit anderen Worten: Die Menschheit hat Symbole und Landschaften personifiziert und ihnen den Status der Götter gegeben? "


Priester haben mit einer verfälschten Version der Wissenschaft und dem Wunsch, ein "Mysterium" zu schaffen, das sie von den "Schafen" trennt ... und sie kontrollieren dann den Zugang zu einem illusionären "Gott" und bestrafen dann Nichtgläubige und beschränken ihren Zugang zu einer Gottheit. Middlemen, Bürokraten, Bankiers ... alle das gleiche Low-Level-Verständnis, wie die Dinge tatsächlich funktionieren. “


Danke an David Ritchie, Schottland

Januar, 15./2017

Bildquelle: David Ritchie 

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