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Evelyn Oberschelp.......

Age: 49, married, 2 children, housewife & mother


Already as a child she loved to paint and she did it alot! It never changed.

Though there were some times in her life when she paused but she never gave up to paint.

Evelyn is an autodidact. She never studied art in university. She learns alot from books.


It is funny.....I got to know Evelyn in the off. James Blunt forum for the first time! She introduced her James Blunt paintings to the forum, some time in 2009.


Every painting Evelyn does has it´s special meaning about situations in life and the reflection of her christian religiousness is very clear. From time to time she stages exhibitions in churches.


Evelyn created two beautiful and touching paintings inspired by the songs of our mutual friend Johnny Andriani, Rock Musician from New York, USA.

Johnny wrote a song in dedication to his deceased sister Gina and the song is called *Ghost Of You In Me*. So Evelyn made an awesome painting inspired by this song and we sent it to Johnny for he is now the owner.


The second painting is once more an inspiration by another Andriani song, called *Love Love Love* and the owner am I.


I wish Evelyn the greatest success with her work! Please take the time and check out her homepage. The link is here on the wall. Thank you.



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Auction for charity on ebay via German Blunties e.V.

(James Blunt Fan Club Germany)

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