Brut Tysilio - history of the Britons

I have summarized the order of the genealogies from King Brutus - Founder of Britannia to about King Dafyd who built Karissalem" (Jerusalem - Caer Rusilum/Silurum) and about to King Llyr and would like to share it with you.

Alan Wilson says in his books that the ancient Welsh historical record written by the monk Tysilio (c. 548 - 640) is the most accurate when it comes to Brutus (Brwt - Bryttys),

Eneas (Aeneas), Essgannys (Ascanius), Ssylliys (Selys Hen - Silvius - Ascanius´ son) .... and the much later King Llyr ... so ... BRWT comes before Brutus Darianlas. After Dafyd comes Blaiddyd and after Blaiddyd comes Llyr ...

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